Dr. Jones supports a large clinical operation at an NCI-Designated cancer center, providing primary clinical support for image-guided interventions in interventional radiology, cardiology, and the operating room. His clinical support roles provide critical insight to support his research efforts, which include patient dosimetry, development of novel strategies for guiding interventions, quantifying and predicting therapeutic effect, and study of the cost/benefit ratio in medical imaging and intervention. He works closely with physician colleagues to study the procedures they perform and identify opportunities to better quantify outcomes, improve efficiency, increase safety, and reduce cost. Dr. Jones is the Deputy Director of the MD Anderson-UT Houston Medical Physics program in the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and he teaches two courses in the program. Dr. Jones is chair of the American College of Radiology Dose Index Registry and is the Physics Editor for the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology. When not working he enjoys trail running and brewing beer.